30 Days to Fit: Workout Program for Women

30 Days to Fit: Workout Program for Women

Written by Guy Gustafson
May 21, 2020
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Whether you’re back at the gym or grinding at home, this workout program designed by Alpha Athlete & IFBB Pro Figure Competitor Ashley Jones is sure to get you shredded for summer and it can be done completely from home!

By Ashley Jones

Whether you’re back at the gym or grinding at home, this workout program designed by Alpha Athlete & IFBB Pro Figure Competitor Ashley Jones is sure to get you shredded for summer and it can be done completely from home!

This program features 15 workouts to complete during your first two weeks that you will repeat for your last two weeks. The cardio routine is optional but recommended to help you get the most out of the next 30-days.

Skip to Day:
1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |  8 |  9 |  10 |  11 |  12 |  13 |  14 |  15 | 


Day 1: (Full Body – Bodyweight Workout)

  • 20 Squats
  • 15 Push-ups
  • 10 Burpees


  • Alternating Curtsy Lunges
  • Plank Shoulder Taps
  • Plank Hold
  • Squat Pulses
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Superman Lifts
  • Alternating Jump Lunges

Day 2: (Legs Dumbells Workout)

  • 20 Deadlifts
  • 20 Glute Bridges with 10 second HOLD on the last rep
  • Weighted Walking Lunges (10 each leg)
  • 15 Front Squats with Dumbbells
  • 1 Min. Wall Sit
  • 15 Jump Squats
  • Weighted Lateral Lunges (12 each leg)
  • 15 Sumo Goblet Squat with 1 heavy Dumbell

Day 3: (Chest/Triceps - Chair or Bench & Dumbbells)

  • 15 Pushups
  • (Option: Drop down to your knees)
  • (Challenge: Decline Pushups - put your feet on an elevated surface)
  • 20 Tricep Dips
  • 15 Bench Chest Press
  • 15 Bench Chest Fly
  • 12-15 Skull Crushers

Day 4: (Back/Biceps - Dumbbells)

  • 15 Reps (Round 1)
  • 12 Reps (Round 2)
  • 10 Reps (Round 3)

**Try to increase weights each round as reps decrease.

  • Reverse Flies
  • Upright Rows
  • Hammer Curls
  • Bent Over Rows
  • Pullovers
  • Bicep Curls
  • Good Mornings **Keep a slight bend in the knees and keep spine neutral**
    • (Option: Hands can be placed behind your head)
    • (Challenge: For additional weight, hold dumbbell behind head/on neck)
  • Single Arm Rows
  • Zottman Curls

Day 5: (Glutes - Resistance Bands)

  • Squat to Alternating Glute Kickback (place band around your ankles)
  • Squat Jacks (place band around your ankles)
  • Side Steps to the Right (place band above knees)
  • Side Steps to the Left
  • Glute Bridge with Hip Abduction (place band above knees)
  • Hip Thrusts (place band above knees)

Day 6: (Shoulders - Dumbbells)

  • 15 Arnold Presses
  • 15 - 20 Lateral Raises
  • 12 (each) Alternating Front Raises
  • 10 - 12 Pike Presses **No Dumbells required; feet on elevated surface and have body in Pike position**
  • 15 (each) Single Arm Snatches
  • 12 - 15 (each) Single Arm Rear Delt Fly
  • 30 (TOTAL) Plank Shoulder Taps
  • 15 - 20 Shoulder Presses

Day 7: (Core - Bodyweight)

  • Hearts: V-ups
  • Diamonds: Sit-up to Crossover Punches
  • Spades: Bicycles
  • Clubs: Plank Hip Dips
  • Face Cards: 1 Min. Plank
  • Jokers: 15 Burpees

Day 8: (Full Body - Bodyweight with Sliders or Paper Plates)

  • 30 (TOTAL) Mountain Climbers with sliders OR plates
  • 15 Hamstring Curls with sliders OR plates
  • 15 (each) Single Leg ‘Standing’ Glute Circles (Counterclockwise AND Clockwise)

While standing on one foot with a slight bend in the knee, the other foot is positioned on your slider/plate making a circle on the floor.

  • 20 (TOTAL) Speed Skater Lunges
  • 12 (TOTAL) Spiderman Pushups
  • (Option: Regular Pushups)
  • 15 Pop Jacks

Day 9: (Legs - Bench/Chair and Dumbbells)

**Focus - Single Leg Movements**


  • Bulgarian Split Squat (perform one minute on each leg)
  • Bench/Chair Step-ups (perform one minute on each leg)
  • Bench/Chair Single Leg Squat Sits (perform one minute on each leg)
    • One leg will be your supporting leg, while the other will be held up as you squat down to the bench/chair
    • Challenge: You can hold the weights in your hands
    • Swinging Lunges (perform one minute on each leg)
    • One leg will be your supporting leg, while the other will swing to the front and then to the back creating a lunge in both directions.

Day 10: (Chest/Triceps - Dumbbells)t

  • 15 Reps - each SIDE (Round 1)
  • 12 Reps - each SIDE (Round 2)
  • 10 Reps - each SIDE (Round 3)

**Try to increase weights each round as reps decrease. Focus → Single Arm Movements**

  • Single Arm Chest Press (on the floor)
  • Single Arm Tricep Kickback
  • Single Arm Chest Fly (on the floor)
  • Single Arm Overhead Tricep Extension
  • Single Arm Elevated Push-up (have a dumbbell in one hand, while the other hand is planted on the floor)

Day 11: (Back/Biceps - Dumbbells and Towel)

  • 20 Sliding Floor Pull-ups (USE TOWEL ON SLICK SURFACE)
    • While lying (on your stomach) fully stretched with arms by your ears, press your hands firmly down on the ground and pull your body through your hands and back to the starting position.
  • 15 (each) Single Arm Rows
  • 20 Floor Lat. Pulldowns with towel
    • Lying face down, hold the towel in your hands with your arms stretched out by your ears. Pull the towel in towards the chest and then back out.
  • 15 Dumbell Reverse Flies
  • 15 Reverse Snow Angels (no equipment needed)
  • Bicep 21s
  • 12 - 15 Wide Curls with Dumbell
  • 20 Lying Bicep Curls with towel
    • While lying on your back, hold a hollow position (like a banana) and place the middle of the towel at the bottom of your feet. Your hands will be holding the ends of the towel as you curl your arms and tuck your knees up to your chest.

Day 12: (Shoulders - Dumbbells)

  • L-Sit Shoulder Presses
  • Plank Body Taps
  • Tap your opposite hand to your Shoulders, then your knees, then your ankles
  • Clean-Squat-Press
  • Around the Worlds (BOTH directions)
  • Upright Rows
  • Reverse Lunge with Lateral Raise

Day 13: (Glutes - Resistance Band)

  • 20 (each) Pulsing Curtsy Lunges
  • 20 Single Leg Glute Bridge
  • 15 Plie Squats
  • 15 Plie Squat Jumps
  • 25 (each) Donkey Kicks
  • 25 (each) Fire Hydrants

Day 14:(Core and Calves)

  • 1 Minute Jump Rope
  • 30 Calf Raises (Feet are turned out)
  • 45 Sec. Single Leg Plank Hold (hold one leg up)
  • 1 Minute Jump Rope
  • 30 Calf Raises (Feet are in neutral stance)
  • 45 Sec. Single Leg Plank Hold (hold one leg up)
  • 1 Minute Jump Rope
  • 30 Calf Raises (Feet are turned in)
  • 45 Sec. Plank Hold


Perform all three movements of the set for 30 sec. each, without stopping (REPEAT 3X)

  • Flutter Kicks
  • Bicycles
  • Toe Reaches
  • Windshield Wipers
  • Leg Lifts
  • Knee-In Crunch

Day 15: (Full Body)

  • Hearts: Speed Skaters
  • Diamonds: Pop Jacks
  • Spades: Tuck Jumps
  • Clubs: Plank Jacks
  • Face Cards: 1 min. Wall Sit
  • Jokers: 1 min. Jump Rope

Cardio Routine:

Each day will consist of a different cardio routine.

Day #1: (Intervals)

  • 30 sec. Hill Sprints
  • 30 sec. Recovery


Day #2: (Distance; Endurance focus)

  • Complete three 8-10 min. Jogs.
  • At the end of each jog, perform:
    • 20 Jump Squats
    • 20 Alternating Jump Lunges
    • 10 Burpees

Day #3: (Intervals)

  • 30 sec. Sprints (flat road)
  • 30 sec. High Knees
  • 30 sec. Butt Kicks
  • 1 min. Recovery


Day #4: (Distance; Endurance focus)

  • 30 - 45 min. walk/jog/run
  • 3 rounds of 1 min. Jump rope with 45 sec. break in between

Day #5: Trail Run / Park Day

  • Find your favorite trail and walk/jog/run/ride your bike for 45 mins. (Enjoy the outdoors)!!!

Day #6: REST DAY

Day #7: One Mile Challenge

  • Walk/Jog/Run for one mile and record your time. Each week you complete this challenge, try to beat your previous time.